Name: Edwin Enrique Noreña Black Honey Sidra
Region: Quindio Department, Colombia
Producer: Edwin Enrique Noreña
Farm: Finca Campo Hermoso
Processing: Black Honey (carbonic maceration)
Varieties: Bourbon Sidra
Altitude: 1,600 MASL
Notes: peach tea, honeyed cider, blackberry, szechuan pepper finish
Brew Ratios: For pourovers, try a 1:16.7 coffee-to-water ratio. Start with a 1:2.2 ratio for espresso.
Edwin Noreña is a consummate professional. He is a 3rd-generation coffee producer, a trained agronomist, a certified Q-grader, and a sought-after Cup of Excellence judge.
Quality and repeatability are key. He’s developed an incredible following for his mastery in fermentation (and co-fermentation) borrowing techniques from the wine and beer industry and finding the perfect recipe to make coffees have an everlasting sweetness and tasting exactly like the tasting notes on the label say. His ultimate goal is to make coffee more approachable to customers in that regard. Where you do not have to have a professionally trained palate to detect the flavor notes.
We cupped this Bourbon Sidra in August of 2024 and LOVED it! We're so excited to share this competition series Black Honey Sidra with you all. This coffee focuses on the variety, Sidra, with his classic touch of Black Honey processing with carbonic maceration. We taste peach tea, a honeyed apple cider, blackberry and an herbally/minty Szechuan pepper finish.
We've been brewing these coffees on bar with the following recipe:
1:14.2 ratio
14 grams 200 mL
coarse grind: ~1100 microns
196˚F water temp
Sibarist Filter S
Origami Air S
4 x 50g pours (pouring the next right before the other drains)
Bags are 10 oz. Jars are 100 grams